Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Future gymnast?!

First of all, I have to give a warm welcome to Isabella's new BFF, Stella Jean Timek, who is Meredith's new daughter, born today and was 6lb8oz, 19.5 in long.  Meredith sent me a picture and she so reminds me of Isabella- tiny with dark hair!  I can't wait to meet her.
Ok, back to blog business...it's been exactly a month since I posted- oops.  Needless to say, I haven't had the time or energy to post sooner although I've thought about it & wanted to at least 1,000 times.  I learned from the lactation consultant at Isabella's 1 month pediatric appointment that I wasn't holding Isabella the best way when I was nursing, so now the new way I hold her is better as far as she latches on better, but this position leaves me often with 1 hand free at best, despite my use of pillows..or the way the pillows are positioned even if I do have 2 hands free I can't reach the computer comfortably...so that's also been a blogging barrier =) But the nursing is going well, Isabella is gaining weight and that is such a relief.
Speaking of gaining weight, at her 2/22/11 one month appointment, she weighed 7lbs 15oz, which is almost 2 pounds heavier since birth.  I know she has to be at least another pound by now (she is 7 weeks tomorrow already!) because she feels more solid to me and her cheeks are a little chubby.  I call her my lumper- sooo cute.  Here are some exciting events that have taken place since my last post a month ago:

---As the blog title suggests, we may have a future gymnast on our hands.  The night of Izzy's one month doctor's appointment, 2/22/10, I put her on her tummy for some "tummy time" in her crib.  She was picking up her head and shoulders and moving her legs in a way that looked like she was about to roll to her stomach...the occupational therapist in me jumped in and assisted her hips just a tad in moving the right direction and waalah!  She rolled onto her back.  Of course, one cannot overlook mommy's assistance in that feat.  However, here's the amazing part: I put her on her tummy again and this time, a minute later, without mommy's assistance (except for cheerleading, naturally), she did it again- totally on her own!!!  She proceeded to roll independently- no help at all- from her tummy to her stomach 2 times the next day, once the next day, etc.  I remember my friend Melissa telling me over the phone with so much excitement about her daughter's motor skill accomplishments, and I remember thinking, "That's cool!" But now that I am a mom myself, I can't explain the excitement and pride that came over me when I saw Isabella do this by herself.  I was in awe.  Now I truly understand how Melissa felt, and realize how much I underestimated how mom's feel, when their babies accomplish things.  If Isabella doesn't beat or even hit every text book milestone I won't think anything of it but it was just exciting to see her do something so unexpected and cool (besides ya know, the eating/pooping/peeing/sleeping...and that's about it =))
---Another exciting event has been Isabella's new "Awe-Ahh!" talk that she does about once per day, usually while I am changing her.  I love when she does this sound and wish she would do it more often.  It's high pitched and so cute.  Seems like she is discovering new things her voice can do, and I can't wait until she has a whole range of coo-ing she'll be shouting out.  Will keep you updated!

Well I have to go- I feel like there is so much more to say and so little time...someone is waking up and wants to eat.   I was very naive and gun-ho when I first started the blog a month ago thinking, "I'll do a blog a few times a week at least." Um...a bit of a lofty goal there...so now my goal is at least once per month.  I learned one of my first mommy lessons already!