Sunday, October 2, 2011

Downward Dog...with a tooth!

Yes, her latest move, as of yesterday, appears to be the Downward Dog move from yoga, which is basically when she is face down, pushing up on her hands and back on her feet, so that her legs are straight and off the ground...if I'm describing it correctly?  And this afternoon, on the way to the mall, I once again did my "Any teeth in there yet?" check, to feel if there were any bumps, and long and behold, at 8 & 1/2 months old, there is more then a bump in there- there's a sharp jagged edge in the lower right front spot and you can see the tooth coming up!  Very exciting.  She has been whiney this weekend and the babysitter Miss Diane said she was fussy and she couldn't figure out why...well perhaps we have solved the mystery. Hopefully she won't have a really hard time.  So far she seems to be handling it pretty well.

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